Why Choose Us

TecHullClean builds and operates a multi-faceted collection of machines for environmentally friendly underwater hull and propeller cleaning which can clean even macro-fouling without damaging the vessel’s hull coating. Equipped with an industry leading debris collection and filtration system, we ensure that the marine debris is effectively captured, thereby keeping our precious seas clean. We pride ourselves with the longest track record of regular in-water testing, development and constant innovation with a matured 4th generation underwater cleaning technology.

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Ship Owners and Charterers

While ship owners mainly benefit from our cleaning technology’s paint friendliness, charterers profit strongly from substantial reductions in fuel consumption after cleaning. By meeting the IMO MPEC.1/circ.811 standard for removal of heavy micro- and macro-fouling, it reduces the vessel’s resistance through the water (drag) and propeller cavitation with a consequent reduction in fuel consumption. Calculations provided by Maersk show 5% in fuel savings after TecHullClean’s cleaning of one of their vessels’ with only a moderate 40% hull fouling. With these gains in fuel efficiency, the cost of cleaning will have amortised itself within less than a months’ sailing time. Our expanding network in major cleaning ports ensures that our clients will receive the same, excellent service level on their most frequented trade routes. 

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Underwater IRM Operators

Joining our quickly expanding network as a licensed underwater IRM operating partner in a strategic maritime location offers great commercial opportunities. Qualified partners that fulfill our strict operating and safety standards will benefit greatly from our innovative and cost-effective cleaning technology toolbox, being able to offer the most efficient and environmentally friendly underwater IRM services to their clients. Our unique debris collection and filtration system will also reopen ports for underwater hull cleaning where local authorities have currently banned operations. Future IRM/diving partners will further profit from our already existing framework agreements with the largest liner companies, where TecHullClean will appoint the partner to perform hull cleanings and propeller polishings to their vessels.

Become a licensed partner
biofouling management, ship technology, underwater inspection, Diving innovations, hull cleaner underwater, rov, propeller cleaning, marine technology, propeller polishing, rov, marine tech, techullclean, undewater hull cleaning spain, underwater hull cleaning singapore
biofouling management, ship technology, underwater inspection, Diving innovations, hull cleaner underwater, rov, propeller cleaning, marine technology, propeller polishing, rov, marine tech, techullclean, undewater hull cleaning spain, underwater hull cleaning singapore

Port Authorities and Operators

Our unique cleaning, debris collection and filtration system prevents alien invasive species (AIS), marine fouling and chemical pollutants entering the sea, thus protecting the prevailing local eco systems which port authorities and operators have their main focus on. Standard cleaning methods release all bio-fouling, AIS and paint residue from the ships’ hull into the sea. Even competing systems which claim to have forms of debris collection and filtration fall far short of THC’s recovery rates when empirical data is compared. Port waste handling certificates show up to 290 kg of fouling, AIS and pollutants that have been collected per single clean using our technology.

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Paint Manufacturers

Partnering with leading marine paint manufacturers is essential to our business model as their certifications and approvals of our cleaning technology with the guarantee of not damaging the expensive coatings, provides piece of mind to the manufacturers themselves and our clients. Here we follow an intensive on-site testing process where coated test plates are submerged into the sea for three months to gain full marine fouling. The plates are then removed and surveyed by a paint company representative on-site while our technology performs the cleaning. Secured manufacturers’ certifications and approvals are in place and valid for our latest generation equipment. 

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biofouling management, ship technology, underwater inspection, Diving innovations, hull cleaner underwater, rov, propeller cleaning, marine technology, propeller polishing, rov, marine tech, techullclean, undewater hull cleaning spain, underwater hull cleaning singapore